Results for 'B. M. Velichkovsky'

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  1.  21
    Parallel recording of EEG and eye movements: Evidence for dorsal and ventral activities during free picture viewing.Thomas Fischer, S. Pannasch, S. T. Graupner, Helmert Jr & B. M. Velichkovsky - forthcoming - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 10th International Conference on Cognitive Neuroscience.
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  2. Communicating Meaning: The Evolution and Development of Language.B. Velichkovsky & Duane M. Rumbaugh (eds.) - 1996 - Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
  3.  35
    The architecture is not exactly parallel: Some modules are more equal than others.Boris B. Velichkovsky, Andrej A. Kibrik & Boris M. Velichkovsky - 2003 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26 (6):692-693.
    Despite its computational elegancy, Jackendoff's proposal to reconcile competing approaches by postulating a parallel architecture for phonological, syntactic, and semantic modules is disappointing. We argue that it is a pragmatic version of the leading module which Jackendoff would probably prefer, but which he does not explicitly acknowledge. This internal conflict leads to several shortcomings and even distortions of information presented in the book.
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    Commentary on “Consciousness in a multilevel architecture: Evidence from the right side of the brain” by B.M. Velichkovsky et al. [REVIEW]Elkhonon Goldberg - 2019 - Consciousness and Cognition 73:102753.
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    Consciousness and working memory: Current trends and research perspectives.Boris B. Velichkovsky - 2017 - Consciousness and Cognition 55:35-45.
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    Towards an evolutionary framework for human cognitive neuroscience.Boris M. Velichkovsky - 2007 - Biological Theory 2 (1):3-6.
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    Consciousness in a multilevel architecture: Evidence from the right side of the brain.Boris M. Velichkovsky, Olga A. Krotkova, Artemy A. Kotov, Vyacheslav A. Orlov, Vitaly M. Verkhlyutov, Vadim L. Ushakov & Maxim G. Sharaev - 2018 - Consciousness and Cognition 64:227-239.
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    In search of the ultimate evidence: The fastest visual reaction adapts to environment, not retinal locations.Boris M. Velichkovsky & Sebastian Pannasch - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (5):1008-1009.
    The sensorimotor account of perception is akin to Gibsonian direct realism. Both emphasize external properties of the world, challenging views based on the analysis of internal visual processing. To compare the role of distal and retinotopic parameters, distractor effect – an optomotor reaction of midbrain origin – is considered. Even in this case, permanence in the environment, not on the retina, explains the dynamics of habituation.
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    From intra- to interpsychological analysis of cognition: Cognitive science at a developmental crossroad.Boris M. Velichkovsky - 1993 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 16 (3):537-538.
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    On the variety of “deictic codes”.Boris M. Velichkovsky - 1997 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 20 (4):757-757.
    Eye movements play a variety of roles in perception, cognition, and communication. The roles are revealed by the duration of fixations reflecting the quality of processing in the first line. We describe possible roles of eye fixations in different temporal diapasons. These forms of processing may be specific to sensorimotor coordinations. Any generalization to other domains should be cautious.
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    Space as reference signal? Elaborate it in depth!Boris M. Velichkovsky & A. H. C. Van der Heijden - 1994 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 17 (2):337-338.
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    The “mesh” approach to human memory: How much of cognitive psychology has to be thrown away?Boris M. Velichkovsky - 1997 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 20 (1):39-39.
    While sharing the author's interest in the development of an action-based framework for memory research, I think the present version is neither new nor particularly productive. More differentiation is needed to describe memory functioning in a variety of domains and on the many levels of activity regulation. Above all, Glenberg's proposals seem to contradict empirical data.
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    Consciousness in a multilevel architecture: What causes the lateralization of effective connectivity under resting state?Boris M. Velichkovsky, Vadim L. Ushakov & Maxim G. Sharaev - 2019 - Consciousness and Cognition 73:102755.
  14.  43
    Levels-of-Processing Effects on a Variety of Memory Tasks: New Findings and Theoretical Implications.Bradford H. Challis, Boris M. Velichkovsky & Fergus I. M. Craik - 1995 - Consciousness and Cognition 5 (1-2):142-164.
    Three experiments investigated level of processing effects on a variety of direct and indirect memory tasks, in the context of a processing theory of dissociations. Subjects studied words in five encoding conditions and received one of ten memory tests. In Experiment 1, four tests previously classified as conceptual showed a robust LOP effect, as did a direct perceptual test of graphemic cued recall. An indirect perceptual word fragment completion test was unaffected by LOP. Experiment 2 showed that a new indirect (...)
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  15.  42
    Fifth special issue in the series Cognition and Technology Cognitive Research in the Light of Technological Developments: Advances and New Challenges. [REVIEW]Boris M. Velichkovsky & Itiel Dror - 2008 - Pragmatics and Cognition 16 (1):1-2.
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    [Letter from B. M. Laing].B. M. Laing - 1932 - Philosophy 7 (27):374-374.
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  17.  80
    A theory of visual stability across saccadic eye movements.Bruce Bridgeman, A. H. C. Van der Heijden & Boris M. Velichkovsky - 1994 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 17 (2):247-258.
    We identify two aspects of the problem of maintaining perceptual stability despite an observer's eye movements. The first, visual direction constancy, is the (egocentric) stability of apparent positions of objects in the visual world relative to the perceiver. The second, visual position constancy, is the (exocentric) stability of positions of objects relative to each other. We analyze the constancy of visual direction despite saccadic eye movements.Three information sources have been proposed to enable the visual system to achieve stability: the structure (...)
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  18.  22
    Relationship of saccadic suppression to space constancy.Bruce Bridgeman, A. H. C. Van der Heijden & Boris M. Velichkovsky - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (3):553-554.
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    Effective Connectivity within the Default Mode Network: Dynamic Causal Modeling of Resting-State fMRI Data.Maksim G. Sharaev, Viktoria V. Zavyalova, Vadim L. Ushakov, Sergey I. Kartashov & Boris M. Velichkovsky - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
  20.  35
    How our world remains stable despite disturbing influences.Bruce Bridgeman, A. H. C. Van der Heijden & Boris M. Velichkovsky - 1994 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 17 (2):282-292.
  21. Can sex selection be ethically tolerated?B. M. Dickens - 2002 - Journal of Medical Ethics 28 (6):335-336.
    Prohibition on sex selection may well be unnecessary and oppressive as well as posing risks to women’s lives The urge to select children’s sex is not new. The Babylonian Talmud, a Jewish text completed towards the end of the fifth century of the Christian era, advises couples on means to favour the birth of either a male or a female child.1 The development of amniocentesis alerted the public in the mid-1970s to the scientific potential for prenatal determination of fetal sex,2 (...)
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  22.  50
    Herodotus and Samos.B. M. Mitchell - 1975 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 95:75-91.
  23. Quelques notes au sujet de l'article de B. Jeu, J. C. Demaille et J. L. Duhameau.B. M. Kedrov - 1971 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 25 (4=98):596.
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    (1 other version)A Modern Theory of Ethics. By W. Olaf Stapledon M.A., Ph.D., (London: Methuen & Co. 1929. Pp. ix + 277. Price 8s. 6d.).B. M. Laing - 1929 - Philosophy 4 (15):403-.
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    The Revelation of Deity. By J. E. Turner, M.A., PH.D. (London: Allen and Unwin Ltd.1931. Pp. 223.Price 8s. 6d. net.).B. M. Laing - 1932 - Philosophy 7 (25):89-.
  26. From genomic databases to translation: a call to action.B. M. Knoppers, J. R. Harris, P. R. Burton, M. Murtagh, D. Cox, M. Deschenes, I. Fortier, T. J. Hudson, J. Kaye & K. Lindpaintner - 2011 - Journal of Medical Ethics 37 (8):515-516.
    The rapid rise of international collaborative science has enabled access to genomic data. In this article, it is argued that to move beyond mapping genomic variation to understanding its role in complex disease aetiology and treatment will require extending data sharing for the purposes of clinical research translation and implementation.
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  27.  47
    Hume's Dialogues concerning Natural Religion.B. M. Laing - 1937 - Philosophy 12 (46):175 - 190.
    Professor Kemp Smith in providing a new edition of Hume’s Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion , embodying all the author’s additions and corrections, has given expression to the perennial interest and fascination which this work has possessed for many minds during the odd one hundred and fifty years since it was first published by Hume’s nephew. The editor himself has performed a great service by contributing an Introduction and a clear and concise summary of the Dialogues , in both of which (...)
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    Indeterminacy of translation and theory.B. M. Humphries - 1970 - Journal of Philosophy 67 (6):167-178.
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    Genetic Nondiscrimination and Health Care as an Entitlement.B. M. Kious - 2010 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 35 (2):86-100.
    The Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008 prohibits most forms of discrimination on the basis of genetic information in health insurance and employment. The findings cited as justification for the act, the almost universal political support for it, and much of the scholarly literature about genetic discrimination, all betray a confusion about what is really at issue. They imply that genetic discrimination is wrong mainly because of genetic exceptionalism: because some special feature of genetic information makes discrimination on the basis (...)
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    Dalton's atomic theory and its philosophical significance.B. M. Kedrov - 1948 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 9 (4):644-662.
  31. Symposium: The Public Interest.B. M. Barry & W. J. Rees - 1964 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 38 (1):1 - 38.
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    The Compleat Angler: Observations on the Rise of Peisistratos in Herodotos (1.59–64).B. M. Lavelle - 1991 - Classical Quarterly 41 (02):317-.
    The Acarnanian chrēsmologos Amphilytos spoke the verses to Peisistratos just before the battle of Pallene in 546 b.c. They contain a prediction of imminent victory for Peisistratos and total defeat for the Athenians. The Athenians will be routed and deprived of political self-determination, while the victory will restore to Peisistratos the tyranny from which he was twice forced, ‘rooting’ it once for all. Of course, all of this appears quite evident from the narrative. But as the verses form part of (...)
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  33. I Ought, Therefore I Can.Peter B. M. Vranas - 2007 - Philosophical Studies 136 (2):167-216.
    I defend the following version of the ought-implies-can principle: (OIC) by virtue of conceptual necessity, an agent at a given time has an (objective, pro tanto) obligation to do only what the agent at that time has the ability and opportunity to do. In short, obligations correspond to ability plus opportunity. My argument has three premises: (1) obligations correspond to reasons for action; (2) reasons for action correspond to potential actions; (3) potential actions correspond to ability plus opportunity. In the (...)
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  34. (1 other version)Naive realism and illusions of refraction.B. M. Arthadeva - 1959 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 37 (3):118-137.
  35. Pragmatist and idealist ethics. A reply.B. M. Laing & James Seth - 1923 - Philosophical Review 32 (5):526-531.
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    Philosophy as a General Science.B. M. Kedrov - 1962 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 1 (2):3-24.
    In Alfred Ayer's article, philosophy is sharply counterposed to science, is denied the status of a science. This is the leitmotif of his entire paper. Moreover, the defense of this conception is characteristic of many representatives of neopositivism who go along with Ayer. However, Ayer has certain distinctive ideas of his own, which require critical analysis. Fundamental among them is his acknowledgment of the extremely general character of the concepts and principles with which philosophy, as distinct from the special sciences, (...)
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    David Hume.B. M. Laing - 1933 - Philosophy 8 (30):220-225.
  38. Architecture and Politics in Germany: 1918-1945.B. M. LANE - 1968
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    Cyrene and Persia.B. M. Mitchell - 1966 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 86:99-113.
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    Note on the chronology of the reign of Arkesilas III.B. M. Mitchell - 1974 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 94:174-177.
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    Guidance in Comprehensive Schools.B. M. Moore - 1971 - British Journal of Educational Studies 19 (3):336-337.
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    One Face of Beauty, One Picture of Health: The Hidden Aesthetic of Medical Practice.B. M. Stafford, J. L. Puma & D. L. Schiedermayer - 1989 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 14 (2):213-230.
    Unrecognized presuppositions about patient appearance have become increasingly important in medicine, medical ethics and medical law. Symptoms of these historically conditioned assumptions include common ageism, aesthetic surgery, and litigation about ‘wrongful life’. These phenomena suggest a societal intolerance for what is considered an ‘abnormal’ appearance. Among others, eighteenth-century artists and anatomists helped to set these twentieth-century precedents, actually measuring deviations of external traits to analogous deformations of the soul, and drawing moral conclusions from physiognomic measurements. Other eighteenth-century artists countered with (...)
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  43.  42
    Ethical Issues and Considerations for Children with Critical Care Needs.B. M. Morrow & W. Morrison - 2021 - In Nico Nortjé & Johan C. Bester, Pediatric Ethics: Theory and Practice. Springer Verlag. pp. 225-238.
    Pediatric critical careCritical care refers to the health care of children with life-threatening illness or following major surgery or severe injury. This care is offered in different contexts across the globe. In well-resourced environments, critical careCritical care may be provided in pediatric intensive care units, which provide highly complex medical care with advanced, potentially expensive technological devices aimed primarily at sustaining life; whereas in poorly resourced regions, only primary care may be available for critically ill or injured childrenInjured children. Even (...)
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  44.  78
    The dictum of Descartes.B. M. Adkins - 1952 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 3 (11):259-260.
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    The homeostat.B. M. Adkins - 1951 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 2 (7):248.
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  46. „Teleological Explanations in History‟“.B. M. Akinnawonu - 2006 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 1 (1):188-194.
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    Raúl Fornet-Betancourt. El imaginario filosófico del logos intercultural.B. M.-F. A. - 2009 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 14 (45).
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  48. ALEXANDER, L. and SHERWIN, E.-The Rule of Rules.B. M. Baker - 2003 - Philosophical Books 44 (1):86-86.
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    Preferences and the common good.B. M. Barry - 1962 - Ethics 72 (2):141-142.
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  50. Filosofii︠a︡ Nit︠s︡she i fashizm.B. M. Bernadiner - 1934
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